Guided Boring May Be Right For Your Project
Guided Boring, also called Guided Auger Boring or Pilot Tube Guided Auger Boring, provides a cost-effective way of installing underground utilities, water lines and sanitary sewers. This method of trenchless pipe installation gives the pinpoint accuracy of microtunneling without requiring as much surface work area.
J & J Boring, Inc., provides you with an accurate assessment of the trenchless tunneling methods and costs to successfully complete your project.
The advantages of Guided Auger Boring include:
- A small work footprint – minimum launch pit size is only 12’ diameter
- The working area is confined to the launch and reception pit (min 8′ diameter)
- Disruption to the surface, buildings, road, rail or other objects over the ground is minimal
- Guided Auger Boring is ideal for installations requiring vertical or horizontal accuracy, such as cable ducts, sewer pipes, and water lines
- Accuracy of ¼” over 700′ can be achieved
- Boring is unaffected by surface obstacles and construction
- Dry method of installation – unlike micro tunneling it does not require a slurry
- The ground is fully supported during installation
- Unlike micro tunneling, it can be retracted back to the launch pit
- Can be used to install pipes in variable ground conditions
- The process is relatively quick and efficient, and in many cases has lower overall costs
- Fiber glass, clay and steel pipes can be installed with this method
How Does Guided Auger Boring Work?
The Guided Boring Machine and jacking frame are placed in a launch pit. A pilot tube with a steerable cutting head gets pushed through the soil to the reception pit. As this tube is pushed through the ground, additional sections of pilot tube are attached behind it and pushed into the ground.
The pilot tube is kept on course by using a guidance system that includes an LED target, a theodolite, and a computer controlled digital monitor mounted on the GBM jacking frame.
The operator controls the angle of the cutting head to keep the pilot tube properly aligned to the pre-determined course for the tunnel. Any deviation of the cutting head due to changes in soil density show up on the monitor and the operator corrects the angle of the cutting head to keep the pilot tube on course.
Once the pilot tube reaches the reception pit, the bore is enlarged to the required diameter by installing a reaming head to the pilot tube in the launch shaft. Temporary casings and augers are attached to the reaming or powered cutting head and this assembly is jacked into the bore. The auger moves the spoils back to the launch pit where they are removed.
As the temporary casing is jacked into place, the pilot tube sections are removed at the reception pit.
Once the reaming head reaches the reception pit, the product pipe is attached at the launch pit and is jacked into place one section at a time. The temporary casing is removed as it is pushed into the reception pit.
Guided Auger Boring can also be used in combination with a traditional auger boring machine.
Different types and sizes of cutting heads make it possible to tunnel through different soil types and install pipes from 8” to 48” OD.
The J & J Boring, Inc. Advantage
There are many different trenchless tunneling methods available today. J & J Boring, Inc. helps you determine which method best suits your project and budget. Call us today at 636-566-6766 and let us help you find the most economical way to do your trenchless tunneling project.